Thursday, September 29, 2022

Three Benefits of Decarbonization

Climate change is at the forefront of political, social, and economic discussions. The world is more aware of the negative impacts of a high carbon footprint than ever before, and the demand for change is loud and clear!

One solution that many organizations are starting to implement is decarbonization. Decarbonization refers to active strategies that reduce carbon dioxide output into the atmosphere. With an emissions management platform, energy companies can take steps to lower greenhouse gas emissions and join the fight against climate change.

It's an admirable step in the right direction, but is it worth it? Here are a few notable benefits of decarbonization.

Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change

The most obvious benefit is the positive impact on the fight against climate change. While it doesn't address the issue entirely, decarbonization can lead to dramatic improvements when done on a larger scale. Oil and gas are still necessary, but there are many ways to use less of them to cut back on carbon emissions.

One decarbonization priority is reducing reliance on fossil fuels for homes and large commercial buildings. Using gas to heat and cool buildings is a massive source of greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonization efforts aim to pivot toward electric alternatives. While the change doesn't seem significant, moving to electric appliances can significantly cut emissions.

When done on a large scale, entire neighborhoods can dramatically reduce their carbon footprint!

Reduced Utility Costs

Fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource. That means we only have a finite amount to use up. Unstable supplies will likely lead to rising costs in the future. Even in the next decade, projections show daunting cost figures that could make heating and cooling a home a sizable investment.

Decarbonization can reduce utility costs by several hundred dollars per year for the average home. It also unifies utility costs into one bill and provides more cost stability.

Improved Air Quality

Finally, we can't forget about the changes to air quality. Emissions are directly responsible for poor air quality and smog. It can cause respiratory problems, cardiovascular issues, and more in dense city environments.

Even inside the home, gas appliances can create emissions that affect your health. Decarbonization reduces those worries, helping you breathe easier.

Read a similar article about cloud based E&P software here at this page.

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