Wednesday, December 21, 2022

What Is Petroleum? Why It's Important and How To Invest in It

Petroleum, also called crude oil, is a naturally occurring liquid found beneath the earth’s surface that can be refined into fuel. A fossil fuel, petroleum is created by the decomposition of organic matter over time and used as fuel to power vehicles, heating units, and machines, and can be converted into plastics read more

How to Track Your Company's Carbon Reduction Progress

To carbon reduce emissions, you first need to know how to track your company’s output. This can be complicated depending on your industry, and currently, there is no standardization regarding emissions tracking in the United States. This lack of standardization can be a challenge for companies that may be seeking to future-proof their emission reduction strategy, and it can also be a concern for companies operating within states that have vague emissions standards and regulations.

Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to track and reduce emissions using technology. Below are some considerations:

Establish a Baseline

Before you can begin to track and manage your reduction efforts, you first need to establish a baseline of your carbon output. This can be done in different ways, but most include the use of technology that can accurately represent both direct and indirect carbon emissions. You may also factor in secondary indirect emission points in your data research, as these are points that reflect far-reaching areas where emissions may harm the climate.

Set Clear Goals

After you’ve established a tracking system, you need to set clear goals. These goals may be to reduce carbon emissions to a certain level by a specific date, or they may include reducing emissions by a certain percentage over time. However, you choose to set your goals, just make sure they are clear and attainable. If you create goals that have no clear point of resolution, it’s going to be difficult to track your progress and ultimate success.

Use Management Software

Carbon management software can also be very useful in tracking emissions. The data gathered from carbon management software can then be used to design a reduction strategy, as well as create reports for state agencies and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) if needed.

Most carbon management solutions will allow companies to customize their settings to account for not only raw output but also processed output. This can be very beneficial since not all carbon emissions are treated equally when it comes to carbon’s effect on climate.

Read a similar article about carbon reporting software here at this page.

How to Calculate Your Carbon Emission

Want to determine how much your daily activities impact the environment? Understanding your carbon footprint is a great way to be more consc...