Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Why Oil and Gas Companies Should Focus on their Methane Reduction Efforts

There’s been a lot of focus on the effect of pollutants in the atmosphere over the last decade, and the oil and gas industry has taken notice. In addition to attempts at reducing carbon emissions, companies that serve the oil and gas industry have also taken to efforts to reduce methane.

Methane is a gas that can be released through several processes in the oil and gas industry, and it tends to stay in the atmosphere for about a decade if it is not directly remediated. On top of that, methane is believed to contribute to ground-level ozone, a known contributor to the entrapment of environmental heat. All told, methane can be considered a threat to the planet in that it can cause temperatures to rise by stopping the disbursement of natural heat. This can result in a dangerous warming effect, and as heat builds up, it can be detrimental to climates around the globe.

What is Being Done About Methane in the Atmosphere?

To reduce the amount of methane in the atmosphere, it must first be measured. A midstream oil and gas platform can help in this effort since a midstream oil and gas platform can provide companies with information about how much actual and estimated methane has been produced within a given time period. These platforms may also help to integrate equipment used to directly remove methane from oil and gas production processes.

In addition, equipment used to remove methane may be able to monitor the amount of methane currently in the atmosphere. This gives oil and gas producers a better understanding of what will be involved in reduction efforts going forward.

Methane and the Future of Oil and Gas

While it doesn’t appear that oil and gas are going anywhere anytime soon, advances in electric vehicle technology may curb the need for oil and gas in the future. Additionally, new fuel mixtures and additives can potentially reduce the amount of methane and carbon produced by internal combustion engines.

Read a similar article about platform for oil and gas operations here at this page.

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